Showing 17–32 of 1099 results

  • Sale!

    Abyss Devices Saevitum

    Original price was: $689.00.Current price is: $100.00.

    The Saevitum is a warm tube VCA distortion with a switchable highpass or lowpass filter.It features a 12AX7 JJ tube with a circuit designed for unearthing the unstable chaos unique to tube-powered equipment.You can customise the sound with a set of trimmers and jumpers on the back of the module, and dial in just how…

  • Sale!

    Abyss Devices Saevitum V2

    Original price was: $669.00.Current price is: $98.00.

    The Saevitum2 is a warm tube VCA distortion with a switchable highpass or lowpass filter.It features a 12AX7 JJ tube with a circuit designed for unearthing the unstable chaos unique to tube-powered equipment.You can customise the sound with a set of trimmers and jumpers on the back of the module, and dial in just how…

  • Sale!

    ADDAC System ADDAC107 Acid Source

    Original price was: $389.00.Current price is: $100.00.

    The ADDAC Acid Source, a compact synth voice incorporating full VCO, VCF and VCA functionality, forays deep into acid sonic territory with classic ‘squelchy’ sounds all of which may be shaped using its built-in low-pass, band-pass and high-pass filters. Whether being used for a plucky bass line, a squelchy lead synth line or scratchy percussion,…

  • Sale!

    ADDAC System ADDAC200CT Cable Tester

    Original price was: $89.00.Current price is: $44.50.

    The ADDAC200CT is a desktop utility designed to test the integrity of both mono jacks and ribbon cables, ensuring secure and electrically sound connections. Users can independently test each wire within ribbon cables using dedicated LED indicators for clear visual indication of connection status and to detect shorts against neighboring wires. It comes with a…

  • Sale!

    ADDAC System ADDAC507 Random Bezier Waves

    Original price was: $509.00.Current price is: $98.00.

    Made in collaboration with Monotrail this module as a dynamic random generator featuring interpolation between points, resembling a complex, ever-changing LFO. Its design comprises two identical smooth random voltage generators, each equipped with frequency, level, offset, and curve controls. The frequency control establishes a consistent pace for generating bipolar random voltages, while the level control…

  • Sale!

    ADDAC System ADDAC508 Swell Physics

    Original price was: $639.00.Current price is: $100.00.

    Continuing their exploration of Marble Physics with ADDC503, a new simulation of a physical system is presented. In this scenario, they envision a specific region situated in the vast expanse of the ocean. Within this area, they strategically position four buoys, equally spaced apart, securely anchored to the ocean floor. Notably, they have the capability…

  • Sale!

    ADDAC System ADDAC813 Stereo Mixer+

    Original price was: $329.00.Current price is: $98.70.

    ADDAC813 is a straight forward stereo mixer. Featuring 5 stereo channels, 4 of them with attenuators, a mono send/return path for parallel processing plus stereo and mono outputs Four channels with stereo input and gain knob. Fifth channel with stereo input without gain knob, which are the prefered inputs to cascade several ADDAC813s when more…

  • Sale!

    ADDAC Systems ADDAC106 T-Noiseworks

    Original price was: $349.00.Current price is: $98.00.

    The ADDAC106 T-Networks is an 8HP straight forward 4 voice module with frequency and decay controls for each of the voices. As the name suggests there is an added noise source and 2 different circuits that explore the timbre of a t-network when used to filter noise.There are 2 different circuits in this module: voices…

  • Sale!

    ADDAC Systems ADDAC213A Eurorack Bridge

    Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $99.50.

    The ADDAC213A Eurorack Bridge are a pair of modules (6HP) that use a ribbon cable to connect multiple cases together without a ton of cable mess. It can send or receive eight CV or audio signals over ribbon cable and can also be expanded to up to 24 channels of i/o with the ADDAC213B.Connect a…

  • Sale!

    After Later Audio Barback 2 Channel Expander for Bartender

    Original price was: $269.00.Current price is: $80.70.

    The Barback is a two channel, 10HP expander for Bartender that can be cascaded to add as many channels as you like (After Later tested up to 16ch). Mixer section: Each channel has the following: Stereo or mono – Each channel can be treated as a stereo channel or a mono channel with two summed…

  • Sale!

    After Later Audio Bartender 4 Channel Expandable Stereo Mixer

    Original price was: $609.00.Current price is: $100.00.

    The centerpiece of the mixer system. Four stereo channels, with two stereo aux send and two stereo returns. Each channel can be used in a mono mode where both channels are mixed.If you want to do eight channels of mono, you can put the channels in stereo mode, and then use the pan control to…

  • Sale!

    After Later Audio Cast Iron Stereo VCA/Panner

    Original price was: $129.00.Current price is: $64.50.

    The After Later Audio Cast Iron Stereo VCA/Panner is a simple 4HP VC panner with CV-controlled level. The left input normals to the right input to give an easy way to add panning to a mono signal. Expandable Bartender, Barbacks, DVCA, Cast Iron, Mingles, and USB-2CH can all be connected with Dupont cables (aka female…

  • Sale!

    After Later Audio Mingles Dual 3 Channel Stereo Panning Mixer with built-in VC-LFO

    Original price was: $289.00.Current price is: $86.70.

    The After Later Migles is a standalone module that can be connected via pin headers into Barback or Bartender (so you don’t use a channel up). It’s a dual 3-channel panning mixer, with a built in LFO. So you get two different mixes of three channels each, that each have their own outputs, and there…

  • Sale!

    After Later Audio Send VCA Expander for Barback and Bartender for VCA control of the SEND

    Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $39.20.

    Expander for Bartender and Barback, enabling CV control of the level of the send bus of up to 8 channels.Each section of four jacks has a cable to connect to the mixer modules. To get 4 channels to work with Barback connect it to the last Barback in the chain of two. It will then…

  • Sale!

    After Later Audio USB-2CH Stereo IN/OUT over USB

    Original price was: $159.00.Current price is: $79.50.

    The After Later SUB-2CH is a simple interface to record and playback audio over USB.It is based on the PCM2904 chipset so you get 16-bit @ 48kHz and fully class compliant with USB1.1. Probably not the best choice if you’re scoring a major motion picture, but good enough to record most jam sessions. Pair it…

  • Sale!

    AI Synthesis AI012 Wave Animator – Black

    Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $99.50.

    The AI012 Wave Animator produces two pulses per input wave cycle with voltage controlled pulse width, distance, and amplitude of the second pulse.While the circuit is all analog, the AI012 Eurorack Wave Animator’s pulse wave outputs have a range of timbres from analog wave folding to digital sounding chimes. It can also be used for…